it’s okay, his father’s a writer

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BUTUNG IS LAYP | Coconut is Life

afternoon coffee with Bogdan
2022 | © tea solon
Mandaue City

Taking a short break from doing translation work and now devouring Bogdan‘s 2020 poetry collection PourWhiskey Over My Heart And Set It On Firewhich carries with it the signature images that scandalizes, tears, and undo me every time. I love how Bogdan’s poetry disturbs the psyche and annihilates moral boundaries that sometimes Boccaccio’s The Decameron comes to mind and marries every heinous psychological thriller film there is. Great afternoon read!

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a big hole in the ear lobe by Bogdan Dragos

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ Visit Gobblers/Masticadores and find more writings you can enjoy! Thanks! 

Gobblers by Masticadores

She pointed at the

big hole in

her ear lobe.

“Yeah, I tried putting

a horn through it.

Real piece of horn from

a bull, by the way.

But problem was, after I got

it in, well, it just

didn’t look as cool as

I thought it would. It

didn’t look

like a horn. More like a

dick. I don’t wanna

walk around with

a dick in my ear. And now I’m

stuck with

this hole. I like it,

but I’d like to

fill it with something.

Something cool, you know?

What would you put in it

if you

were me? Oh, and don’t give some

witty answer like ‘common sense’ or

‘a brain’ or some shit

like that cuz I’ll leave

right away.”

He said nothing. Just watched

her, eyes

fixated on the large hole

in her ear lobe

She snapped her

fingers. “Hey, you alright


He said…

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Shoot Your Questions at the Abyss by Bogdan Dragos

Don't forget to check out and follow MasticadoresIndia to find more writings to enjoy! Thanks! 
( ๑‾◡‾́) 

Chewers by Masticadores

The empty glowing silhouettes of two side posed faces, one white, the other black and stone floors and walls around them
Image Source: Canva

there is one supreme

blissful presence


it’s night time

I’m in my element

Freshly awakened

after a day

of sleep

I’m not a vampire

I only used to wish I

were when

I first started living like

this. What can I say, I

was young and playful

Now I know I’m


worse than a vampire

My grandmother calls

me a blasphemer


God has left day and night

upon this Earth

for work and rest

and I laugh in his face

and piss on his blessing

by using it in


I sleep in the day

and use the time of

night to

wonder and to ask

why he had created me

the beauty of seeking

answers in the

night is

that you don’t have

to use your voice


will do

You won’t get the

answers, at least I didn’t,

but it feels good…

View original post 72 more words

Azi m-am apucat de scris


There were times
when I got
threw my backpack in the corner
took off my shoes
my jacket
walked into my room
took off my pants, my shirt
put on sweatpants, another shirt
turned on the PC
ate a bag of salty potato chips
drank whatever I could
wasted time

I was happy in those times

Today I write. 

MasticadoresRumanía Editora: Manuela Timofte

de Bogdan Dragoș

Erau vremuri
în care ajungeam acasă,
îmi aruncam ghiozdanul într-un colț
al camerei,
îmi dădeam jos papucii,
intram în cameră,
îmi dădeam jos pantalonii, tricoul,
trăgeam pe mine ceva 
pantaloni din ăia largi, alt tricou,
porneam calculatorul,
desfăceam o pungă de cipsuri,
beam ce puteam
și pierdeam vremea.

Eram fericit
în acele vremuri.

Azi însă,
m-am apucat de scris.

Imagine de Gordon Johnson de la Pixabay

Volume publicate:

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Pisica din papuc

(っ◕‿◕)っ English version HERE

MasticadoresRumanía Editora: Manuela Timofte

de Bogdan Dragoș

Camera era rece
și flori gri de mucegai 
înfloreau pe pereți.
Și-a dat jos papucii
și aceștia fiind cele mai calde
lucruri din cameră
puiul de pisică
se adăposti într-unul din ei.

El stătu pe o saltea în colț
și mângâie pisica
din papuc.
Deodată, zâmbi și zise,
– Eh, măcar n-am datorii.

Până și Dumnezeu
a fost de acord cu el. I-a făcut
cu ochiul
prin gaura din tavan.

Imagine de Adina Voicu de la Pixabay

Volume publicate:

Poem postat inițial pe

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lovely hands by Bogdan Dragos

Gobblers by Masticadores

there's been a collection of rather dark thoughts lately and he was studying it from the comfort of his bed The other day he found a good pillow in the dumpster and used it to cover the spot on the mattress where the rusty springs emerged Now the bed was fine again good enough for daydreaming After you've tried out all herbs and powders all that's left are the dreams the daydreams and the nightdreams and the nightmares and the daymares On another day spent dumpster diving he'd found a plastic bag with about six severed hands They were still cold some mafia shit was going on in the city He took them home and tried to cook them hoping to obtain at least some bits of meat He had no pan and of course no oil so he impaled them with iron rods at the writs and placed them…

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Bogdan Dragos

Horror Sleaze Trash

fruit flies and eternal love

sunny day outside
streets full
of people seeking water
and cold beers

overcast day inside
the cold, irregular walls
of the basement 
in the abandoned building
The clouds are alive
and very annoying

She slaps his forehead
with a sloppy hand 
soaked in vomit

“Ouch!” he screams

And she says, “I can’t stand
these fucking 
fruit flies. Why must 
they follow everywhere we go?”

He turns around 
on the wool blanket and 
shoves away a few empty bottles
of cheap wine
drops his head onto
her naked lap. “Because, baby, we’re
putrid. You and I, we’re both
dead on the inside
and out. And the fruit flies
love the smell
and taste of our bodies. Especially
when they come 
together and sweat a lot.”

His hand grabs at
her upper thigh
and the fingers 
tap playfully along the 
piano-key-like cut marks
that adorn it

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fasting for muses by Bogdan Dragos

well it’s been about four days of fasting Four days of eating nothing but smoke from his cigarettes so it was difficult to tell whether the woman who sat in his bathtub and smoked some of his cigarettes and watched him writing on his desk was real or not “Of course I’m real, you dumbass!” […]

fasting for muses by Bogdan Dragos

tarot reading by Bogdan Dragos

Check out Gobblers / Masticadores and find more writings you can enjoy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Gobblers by Masticadores

She was sucking on a red lollipop quite loudly and would constantly take it out of her mouth to stir her whiskey with it She wore round sunglasses a crimson bandanna her hair in thin dreads and all her shirts were sleeveless She took the lollipop out one more time and pointed it at him across the table “You want some?” she asked “Um, no thanks. I, uh, stay away from sweets.” She dipped the lollipop back into the glass and stirred a bit then put it back in her mouth “Good for you. I’m not too fond of these either. Just use ’em to help me break the smoking habit. It’s been working lately.” She picked up the glass and took a sip of the lollipop-flavored whiskey “Anyway, like I said, I brought you to my place to read your tarot cards.” She pulled the deck out from under…

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