“The Muse’s Bad Touch”, #Book_review – by Literature World

Literature World

Bogdan Dragos, my friend and fellow blogger in the WordPress community, has published a solo anthology. Book titled, “The Muse’s Bad Touch: Dark poems from bright nights”.

I have downloaded poems from this book for free. I’m sharing my thoughts on the same.

About The Author:

Bogdan Dragos is a Romanian poet supervises casinos for a gambling company, working twelve-hour shifts locked in a dark office full of TV monitors. There he mostly daydreams and writes poems and stories.

Briefly About The Book:

This is a very difficult topic to discuss. This book brings awareness about bad touch, child abuse and sexual abuse.

Children fight and become friends within seconds but things take a different turn when elders fall in between them.They don’t even know that child abuse is initiated by their elders.

Mentally bad thoughts come into their mind and they carry it.

At a time when values should…

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Pentru că oricât de fragilă ar fi luminița, tot se vede în cel mai negru întuneric

ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ English version HERE!

MasticadoresRumanía Editora: Manuela Timofte

de Bogdan Dragoș

și-n această dimineață
i-a sărit în pat
și a mieunat și i s-a aruncat pe față
și i-a lins fruntea.

Acum avea și el un motiv
să se trezească. Ca să hrănească

Și avea chiar și un motiv
să facă duș.
Fiindcă pisicii nu-i plăcea să lingă
o față unsuroasă.

Mai avea și un motiv
să-și caute de lucru. Fiindcă mâncarea
de pisici nu-i gratis.

Și mai avea și un motiv
să se întoarcă acasă. Pentru că 
pisica-i ducea dorul.

Avea un motiv pentru a trăi.
Era un motiv micuț pentru a trai,
dar tot era mai mare 
decât toate motivele de a muri.

Imagine de Brion Claus de la Pixabay 


Volume publicate:

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Pour the Whiskey Over My Heart and Set It On Fire by Bogdan Dragos

Gnome Appreciation Society

What Da Cover Says: Horror Sleaze Trash proudly presents the poems of Bogdan Dragos.

What I Says: I have followed Dragos on WordPress for many years now and he has entertained me all that time with some bloody good poems, you are guaranteed to get something dark and fucked-up that will give ya a chuckle….unless it’s just me giggling.

Horror Sleaze Trash presents this mighty fine collection from Dragos, it contains some of his most twisted material, I love how again and again he is able to surprise me with how the poem ends. In my opinion the tone of a poetry collection is always set by the first one, it has to be strong and it needs to get some kind of rise from you or you ain’t gonna enjoy what’s next, Dragos starts us off with “some things can never be put back together” a brilliant start, messed…

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a sad burglar

father wasn’t very happy
when he came home
in the night

his little girl,
playing video games
and enjoying snacks
and having an occasional sip from
mother’s wine and cider on
the couch in the living room
at 01:27 AM,
could tell

Father was very sad
even though he came home
money and a car full of stuff

He shied away from
mother’s kiss and hug

“What the fuck’s with you?”
mother asked,
seeing him like that. “You got
caught or somethin’?”

Father looked down
at his shoes. “I’d rather get caught...”

“What?” said mother

“I said… Ah, forget it. I can’t
do this shit anymore. This
is no way
to live life!” He reached into all
the pockets of his pants
and coat and fished out money,
very crumpled bills, and threw them
to the floor. “Look at this.
Look at it and think. In six days
it’s Christmas! And the children from the
foster home I’ve burglarized
are all going to find out they’ve been
on Santa’s naughty list.
Holy shit, I feel like… shit right now…”

“Huh? Is that it? Guilt?
Really? You feel
guilty now? What’s this, a sign
of getting old?”

“If not
then it should be,” he said. “The
two of us grew up in
a foster home just like that
one, didn’t we?”

“Yeah,” she said, “and we hated
every second of it. So what? We
didn’t get presents
for Christmas. We were
lucky if we got more food and
an extra hour of TV, dammit. Kids today
are too privileged. Fuck ‘em
an’ let’s count this cash.” She
went on her knees
and started collecting
the crumpled bills.

He stepped
away from her. “I need
a break from this.”

“Bullshit,” she said. “What you
need, darling, is to first
of all stop being
a pussy, you’re embarrassing yourself
in front of your daughter, and
second you need a
strong drink and a good fuck. I can
take care of the last two, but
the first one is
up to you alone, okay? Oh, by the way,
did you also steal a new
tablet? I broke another one

“And a phone charger
for me,” said
their daughter from the couch.
“I didn’t break it. Just can’t
find it anywhere.”

He sighed
and took off his shoes
and went into the bathroom to
take a shower,
unable to get those poor children
off his mind. He hated

“Shit,” he said.

From the living room
his wife and
daughter started blasting really
loud music with
over the top, obnoxious
and dirty lyrics

“This is my life now,” he
whispered against
the water that flowed down from
the top of his head. I was better off
in the foster home. Sometimes it’s
better to be hurt by
others and struggle to stay alive
than to
know the only way you can
stay alive is by hurting others.
It’s times
like these that make me
think about
what that nun said to me
in the foster home when I learned
to write. You’ve a knack for it,
she said. I see a great
future for you as
a writer. Believe in yourself
and keep at it.
Shit… if I kept at it… I’d probably
write a story about a
sad burglar now
instead of living it…

cats are a great audience for poetry readings

the cat was utterly
and downright

with him reading
mediocre poems
by her side

"You don't like this one?" he asked
"It's about nature
and birds
flying and... and... How good does
it have to be for you
to like it? I'm only ten, I haven't
lived long enough to
write poems of grief
and depravity like my father. But you
know, I'm actually aiming to become
better than him. I aim to be
a more
respected poet. What, you don't think
I'll be able to?
You think I'm just another
deluded fool? I'll show you!"

The cat stood
and stretched raising her tail
"Calm down, kid. First of all,
your daddy was no
poet. Just some drunk who spoke of
demons as he passed out
in bars. And you, you're not ten, okay?
You're just ten days
clean of meds."

"You think I should
end myself?" he asked

The cat waved a paw
at that. "Nah, just go on with the
next poem. I'll be listening
but please don't expect any
praise. It's not in my nature to
offer it, okay?"

"But... you think I'll be a great
poet one day?"

The cat closed her
eyes and offered no reply

thick glass

three weeks
and the shards were still there
still scattered on the tiles
of the kitchen floor

that was a thick glass
meant for classy strong drinks
like whiskey

Yeah, now that he thought about it
it was whiskey she
ordered. But he filled
the glass with milk and said,
“You know what the doctor said, mother.
No more alcohol for you. Here, try
this instead.”

And he would strongly
prefer not to remember what followed

The shards were still
on the kitchen floor

and the gash still on the side of
his neck. Stitched now
but painful nonetheless

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