if we consumed our love… by Bogdan Dragos

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( >ω<)♡(>ω< ✿) 

Gobblers by Masticadores

This morning as she appeared at the foot of his bed, in the light of the covered window, she sucked at her lips and said, “Ah, to spend one's life ever thinking about the girl one thinks one's not good enough for. Pathetic. I so pity the loser who lives life so. You know why?” In response he sighed and turned around and dragged the blanket over his head he was used to breathing the carbon dioxide from underneath the covers rather than fresh air from above But she would not go away this time. Small hands on sharp hips, she said, “What would you do if you found out that the girl you're so obsessed with... is secretly twice as obsessed with you as you are with her? What would you do, eh? If I told you that she's praying night and day to known and unknown gods, begging…

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Leatherface by Bogdan Dragos

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(°◡°♡) .:。 

Chewers by Masticadores

An animated scene in which there is a raging fire that's burning a house and a young girl stands at the door and is about to leave
Image Source: Canva Pro

no, despite what I wanted

to believe

for the sake of

fantasy merging with


she was not the

infamous killer


She was just an

ordinary girl

holding a

human face with a bit

of hair

It was clearly something

very precious to her

“The only thing I have

left from my

father,” she said, turning

it from one side

to the other

and back. “It used to cover

his face and it never

was something pretty. But

what did I know at the time?

I was just a kid.

He came home drunk as usual,

but this time

he was also beat up

real good.

Some friends roughed him

up after he

sold them a bad tip at the

bets. That’s what I

understood later in life.

I loved that man

like any daughter loves her


I didn’t know he was bad


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Fox King by Bogdan Dragos

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(。◕ ‿ ◕。)

Chewers by Masticadores

A woman depicted as frozen and dead with red blood on her eyelids and lips
Image Source: Canva Pro

the fox didn’t like to

be petted,

didn’t agree to her


it thrust its head back

and bared its


and constantly licked at them

as if sharpening daggers

in preparation for a


“Oh, you’re difficult to love,”

she told the

fox. “But that’s why

I desire you more, King.

With your

crimson eyes

you look

upon me, a lowly human,

and bellow that you

want not

my love

but my respect. Yet I ask of you,

what respect is there

without love?

I wish to fall asleep with

your paw in

my mouth, with your tail

between my legs

and those precious fangs

dung deep into my breast.

I desire you, King, like

any maiden desires

the lover who will make

her a woman.

Oh, give me your love

and I will give you


The fox tucked its tail

between the hind

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Better Go Back to Sleep by Bogdan Dragos

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Chewers by Masticadores

A group of mannequins against a reddish backdrop of destruction and the lead mannequin has its eyes taken out
Image Source: Canva Pro

the body awakens

once more

without the mind’s


It’s evening

Slept through the whole


and another night

of staying alive

stretches ahead

more hours of


when will it end,

when will it all be over


Uh, not the time to get

out of bed yet.

Better sit and think

about the dream

the dream of a black


locked in a big room

full of mannequins

that stare at him

and some

of them point

with their rigid arms

The dog shows his

fangs and

starts tearing them apart

one by one

until not a single

stupid mannequin is left on

its rigid feet

then everything feels


the room lightens


It’s been the best

goddamn dream in

a long, long while

Dogs deserve their revenge

upon the world

Even if it’s just a dream

You can’t meet in



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the queen’s blessing by Bogdan Dragos

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Gobblers by Masticadores

she looked stunning in the fading light of the day her black dress and the boots with ridiculously thick soles and the dark makeup made her look like the queen of the cemetery but her knight didn't feel too welcome into her kingdom "Aren't you excited?" she asked "Oh, I am if you are," he said "Good. Then drink up." He drank and then she drank some more, always more than him and then the bottle was empty She placed it into his hand and pointed at a gravestone. "C'mon, I want to watch you break it against that." By this time he knew better than to disappoint his queen He walked over to the gravestone and crashed the bottle against it The queen smiled and applauded. She was very pleased with him "It's a child's grave," she said. "I can always tell." They sat there in silence and watched…

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Find yourself standing back and questioning your whole existence by Bogdan Dragos

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Chewers by Masticadores

The soul of a woman floating up from a broken piece of floor
Image Source: Canva Pro

He liked her story

Her body not

that much, but that mattered

so little

in comparison with

her story

She told him that

it was a teenage pregnancy

that pushed her

into prostitution. Definitely

not an uncommon


She had to quit school


her parents would

no longer pay for

tuition. They disowned

her and kicked

her out. She gave birth

in a bathroom stall,

her first intention being

to kill the baby

“But, you know,” she’d said,

“it’s true what

they say about

motherly instinct. You get

it the moment you

hold your child in your

hands. All those people who

get on your nerves

urging you to

have kids

because you’ll love them

after you have them

do make sense now. There

is a grain

of truth there. I

couldn’t do it anymore.

I wanted to chop the thing

to pieces small enough

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Not for the Good, Not for the Wicked, and Not for Those in Between by Bogdan Dragos

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(•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡ 

Chewers by Masticadores

The close up of the lower half of a man's face with a bloodied mouth
Image Source: Canva Pro

it was 01:30 AM

but he would never


The last time he had

a watch

was when he got jumped

in the streets

for it

He didn’t hide it well

enough. Wanted

to pawn it

for liquor money

but all he drank

that night was

his own blood

This night however

he didn’t have

even that

He wasn’t in the

streets anymore

but in the cool basement

of some abandoned


scheduled to be demolished

A noise woke him


His heart calmed down

only when his eyes

saw that it wasn’t human

He’d rather

be visited by a ghost

but it was just the black

cat that roamed around

the building. She always

found something

to eat in

the dumpsters nearby

and was friendly to

humans, even

accepted pats sometimes

“I wish I could be

like you,” he told her

in a ragged whisper

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If you don’t make friends with rejection it’ll become your stalker

( ☞◔ ౪◔)☞  Visit Gobblers/Masticadores and find more writings you can enjoy! Thanks! 

Gobblers by Masticadores

By Bogdan Dragos

the building was scheduled to be demolished it was already just a pile of rubble standing somewhat together It'll probably be demolished by the same local company that rejected his application for a job When you're homeless not even demolition companies will hire you Or perhaps it was because he kept making advances to the manager who interviewed him Well, he was drunk and thought the manager was quite beautiful in her worker's attire so he got double rejected Eh, wouldn't be for the first time though If you don't make friends with rejection it'll become your stalker "Fuckin' shit!" he said, kicking at the corner of a wall and dislodging a piece of concrete He would've kicked some more but didn't wanna do the job for the damned company that rejected him There was nothing else to do but get down, stand with the back against…

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The Way to Worship the Devil by Bogdan Dragos

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̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿  

Chewers by Masticadores

A red faced evil looking devil with red horns on its head
Image Source: Canva

the black metal was


in the speakers

but the

painted faces on

her wallpapers

no longer grinned

at her

and no longer whispered

too bad,

the drugs wore off

Well, the best part about

living with grandpa

was that she could

simply get out in the

middle of the night

dressed however she wanted

and return in the morning

with whatever she could get

The old man

wasn’t like the

stereotypes she read about

on the internet

He spent all his days

and nights

in his


hunched over a small desk

sitting in a

creaky chair

that meowed every time he

turned a page

in the notebook he

was writing

‘He probably does more

drugs than

I do,’ she thought.

A few days ago

she went into the


and found a bunch of

burnt logs and twigs

in the bathtub

Being high

an’ all…

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No One has Seen True Horror until they’ve Seen a Heaven without Animals by Bogdan Dragos

Don't forget to check out and follow MasticadoresIndia to find more writings to enjoy! Thanks! 

Chewers by Masticadores

An abstract image of a cross against a red backdrop and a silhouette of a dog next to it
Image Source: Canva

a dog doesn’t know

much about

the world,

as most animals don’t

and they don’t care

about the world

or about their inability

to comprehend it

Animals are perfectly


like human babies

Well I knew this girl

who was an animal rights


and couldn’t make her

peace with

animals not following their

owners to heaven

Animals don’t go to heaven,

is what religion stated

She had visited heaven

a few times

and came back. It’s done through

intense meditation

and with the help of

a few special mushrooms

And every time she had

visited heaven

she saw no

animals there

If heaven doesn’t have


then heaven is not worth

going to,

she concluded

and she meditated some

more and

had more out-of-body


and experimented with

new shrooms and herbs

It eventually became clear

to her

that animals don’t go

to heaven

because they…

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